DVI Controller H803TV

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DVI Controller H803TV

Input Voltage: DC9V

Power Consumption: 5W 

Drive Pixels Number: 400000 pixels  

Weight: 0.8KG 

Dimension: L183 x W139 x H40

Product Description


H803TV is an online master controller that transmits data via DVI/HDMI interface and has the features of high speed transmission and large control ability. H803TV can be connected to different computers with different operating systems, and can also be connected to devices with DVI/HDMI interface. It supports dual-monitor mode, multi-monitor extension mode and duplication mode. Using duplication mode when H803TV is connected to computer.

Auxiliary slave controller is H801RA, H801RC and H802RA.

Auxiliary software is “LED studio software” or “Madrix”.

Supported Driver Chips:

LPD6803, LPD8806, LPD1882, LPD1889, LPD6812, LPD1883,LPD1886, DMX512, HDMX, APA102, MY9221, DZ2809, SM16716,SM16711, UCS6909, UCS6912, UCS1903, UCS1909, UCS1912,WS2801, WS2803, WS2811, INK1003, TM1812, TM1809, TM1804,TM1803, TM1913, TM1914, TM1926, TM1829, TM190, TM1814,BS0901,BS0815, LY6620, BS0825, LD1510, LD1512,LD1530, LD1532, TLS3001, TLS3002, DM412, DM413, DM114,DM115, DM13C, DM134, DM135, DM136, MBI6023, MBI6024,MBI5001, MBI5168, TB62726, TB62706,A8012, etc.

Connection Diagram 


