SK6812 VS SK9822

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SK6812 VS SK9822

Jul. 06, 2021

SK6812 LEDs are the bee's knees, but in a few scenarios they come up short…connecting odd microcontrollers that can’t match their strict timing, or fast-moving persistence-of-vision displays. SK9822/APA102 LEDs deliver high speed PWM and an easy-to-drive two-wire interface, bridging the gaps in the spectrum of awesome.

SK9822 vs SK6812 LEDs 

The basic idea behind sk9822 and sk6812 is the same: a continuous string of individually-addressable RGB LEDs, driven by a microcontroller. The way each goes about it is a little different. SK9822 isn't necessarily a better thing in every situation…there are tradeoffs, each has its pros and cons to consider…

SK9822 LEDs 

+ Extremely fast data and PWM rates, suitable for persistence-of-vision displays.

+ Easier to interface to a broader range of devices; no strict signal timing requirements.

+ Works with Servo library, tone() function, interrupts, etc.

– Slightly more expensive.

– Fewer available form factors.

– Needs two pins for control.

SK6812 LEDs 

+ More affordable.

+ Wide range of form-factors (pixels, rings, matrices, etc.).

+ Works from a single microcontroller pin.

+ RGRW (RGB+white) variants available.

– Strict 800 KHz data rate; not all systems can generate this, and speed is a bottleneck on very long strands.

– 400 Hz refresh/PWM rate not suitable for persistence-of-vision effects.

– Not compatible with interrupts (e.g. Arduino Servo library or tone() function).